Tuesday, September 29, 2009

After Vegas.....

Hey Skinnerites ( ok this is Angie....) Mike is in Arkansas for the Bad Boy Mowers Convention ...how appropriate! Also visiting with Bill and Gail Davis at the Chimney Rock Cattle Ranch and I am in Florida packing up more stuff to send to NC! Now...how does he always get out of the moving? There is always a test or sponsor appearance....hmmmm????? Thanks to you all for coming to Vegas - we hope you enjoyed the garage passes and sorry we could not spend more time, but one day shows are crammed full of practice, quals, and meeting after meeting. Unlike most of you who meet during the week...we get most of ours done at the track! We are trying and hoping we get to stay with RMM for 2010 and our #5 team. We are all in negotiations and sponsor hunting to make it a good effort. Mike and I are looking forward to these next few weekends off to go to the race shop in Statesville and maybe get our 2010 season signed! Heidi from the Skinnerites also came up with a GREAT idea to create a Mike Skinner Fanpage on Facebook....so I will get on that now....and you all get the fans to sign up! This can be our new discussion board too!


  1. Hey, Angie! I think this is a normal situation in all marriages. The wife seems to be the one who does most of the "grunt" work, so just grin and bear it. (I know you do!)

    And thanks for the garage passes! That was really great! We went all over. Everyone treated us like we belonged there. (Not like last year when we had to stand at the gate and wait for them to figure out what we could do and not do, LOL) We might not have had as much time as we would have liked with you guys, but we did get to meet some of your sponsors, who seemed to be really nice people. And thanks for the chair in the shade! That was worth it's weight in gold, as hot as it was.

    Each year our visit with you seems to get better and better. We are going to miss our
    "get-together" in Fontana this year. Even tho we seldom get a chance to see Mike there, we enjoy getting together with the Skinnerites who make it to the race. We are talking about getting together even without a race to go to, just for the friendship aspect of the group. Maybe after (when, if?) Mike retires, you guys will have time to join us just to relax and talk. (What a concept!!)

    I think Heidi's idea of the Facebook fan page is a good one, and thanks to you for doing it!

    Again, thanks for getting us in to the garage, and pits. It was a blast!

  2. Once again, you came through with flying colors!! Everyone enjoyed the garage passes. It makes me feel like we are a part of the elete group!! Mikes pit crew is awesome. They answer questions, explain different things, and make you feel like you are someone that they can talk to. Not some idiot with stupid questions. Tell them "Thank You" for me.

    All in all, we had a really great time and I "Thank You" for that. I wish Fontana was still going to happen, but we've still got Phoenix!! And we'll be there.

    Heidi's idea is going to be a good one. I told her I'd help her in any way she needed.

    We've all got pics, and they will be coming soon. So everybody hang in there. We'll get 'em posted somewhere!!!

  3. Hi Angie and Mike,
    What a fantastic time the Skinnerites had. Thank you for all you did to get us into the track. The 5 Crew is the best. They took such good care of us all day and night. Eric, Thank you for taking time to take pictures with us all. Mike "Keep your shirt on.... On Second Thought...! What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas. That is until the pictures get posted.

  4. Hey guys! Sounds like you all had a great time! I'm jealous!
    Yep, leave it to a man to get out of the work, lol. On the other hand, now is the time to sort through his stuff and get rid of it!
    Heidi, the Facebook page sounds terrific. Let us know when you have it ready! Looking forward to the pictures!

  5. I had so many things I wanted to say in my post, I forgot to thank the crew, and especially Eric, for being so nice and making us feel like part of the gang and not interlopers. I can't wait to see the picture with Eric, Sue didn't get one on her camera. So, Pam, I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures, just like you are. Even though I was there!

  6. Hi Angie and all. Glad you had a good time in Vegas. Sure wish we'd have known y'all in '07. Would have made the trip much more enjoyable. Anyway- I like the idea of FaceBook. Means I might have to get pix next year! Another incentive for me to get one up and running! Looking forward to another year at Milwaukee with you and everyone. I'll be taking cheese and chocolate orders in June!!
